Home Track & trace
The track&trace sites of our shipping partners can be found below. Please make sure you have the package number (also called barcode, tracking number, shipment number or reference number) and the zip code of the delivery address at hand. Most shipments receive their first status around 8.00 PM on the day of shipment but this might also be a bit later.
If you have received a track & trace code from PostNl, you can follow the status of your shipment on the following pages:
Shipments within the Netherlands
International shipments / international parcel shipments
If you have received a parcel code from a GLS package or Not at Home Message, you can click on the link below for more information about your parcel shipment and to possibly make a new delivery appointment:
GLS tracking / Not at Home
Shipments sent by FedEx Express can be tracked here:
Fedex Express shipments worldwide / World wide shipments
TNT Express international tracking
All links above point to the pages of respective shipping companies. Are you unable to reach the page or would you like more info? Please contact us and we will be happy to help you.
PackNed is open on working days between 9.00 AM – 5.00 PM